Genomicsa: analysis and algorithms
Jan Pačes
News and changes.
September 25th: sorry for short notice, I catched something and I can't talk. Instead of lecture, today only exersice with Marharyta, starts at 12.
October 2nd: canceled due to illness (no lecture, no practical) I believe I'll be OK next week. JP
Who, when, where
Lecturer: Jan Pačes; Email:; Subject: GAA +info
Assistance and help: Marharyta Klianitskaya; Email:
Location: B1322, VŠCHT B, entrance from Zikova
Lectures: Wednesdays 12:00 a.m.
Practice: Wednesday ~2:00 p.m. Required: cesnet/metacenter/elixir mediated VM, laptop
Consultation: Wednesday mornings or Thursday afternoon at VŠCHT, room B1314. Or by email.
Syllabus (indicative)
sequencing experimental methods
data formats used in bioinformatics
bioinformatics databases and other Internet resources
genome browsers
motif search
advanced alignment methods (PSI-Blast, HMMER, profiles)
multiple alignment
genome assembly (de novo, mapping)
gene prediction
annotation of genomic data
methods using second generation sequencing (ht-seq assays: RNA-Seq, Chip-Seq, C3-based, Epigenomics)
RNA 2D structure - RNA folding
Seminar work
Assembly and annotation of part of the bacterial genome.
Lectures are on VM in the Lectures directory
GAA script (in czech)
Time-stamp: <2024-10-09 21:43:08 (hpaces)>